Hi there!

Fluffy Starlaxy

Any pronouns

Freelance Vietnamese digital artist and animator
I mostly draw fanarts and OC artworks
I have worked freelance for both individual and company!
More of my previous work can be seen in "Gallery"



Please read the Terms of Service (T.O.S.) thoroughly!
For more art examples, please check my gallery!

Terms of service

Human/ Humanoids.NSFW/SUggestive
Anthros/ Ferals.explicit gore
OC/ fan Character.Mecha/robots
Fanart.Hate speech
Ship art.Pedophilic art
Mild gore.incest art
Icons/ emotes/stream elements.nft/Ai
Weapons/Tactical gears.Things I'm uncomfortable with


- ALL commissions will be priced in United States Dollars ($USD).- Payment would be made through Paypal.- For Paypal payments, an additional 2% fee must be paid to cover Paypal tax.- Full payment must be made at the start of work date that was agreed upon.- Alternatively, a 50% deposit must be made after the sketch has been approved; any further work on the commission will be with-held until a confirmation is made and payment is received.- If payment is made in installments, the finished artwork will only be sent after FULL payment has been sent.-More information on refunds below.


- It is recommended that the client reaches out to contact the artist in order to keep track of their commission process. This can be done through email or through Discord, Twitter or Instagram messages (preferred). For social media links, check "Contact".- All terms listed below are for Non-Commercial purposes only. Please contact the artist for Commercial use commissions.

- If the client wishes to cancel the commission, they must contact the artist and notify them of it. If the commission hasn't been started, the client will received a 100% refund.- If the client cancels while the commission is in its WIP stage, they will be refunded based on how much work has been made.- The client may not cancel or request a refund after the commission had been finished.

- The artist has the right to refuse any commission request, without needing to explain the reason (however, the artist will likely explain reasoning for decline out of courtesy).- The artist reserves the right to stop work on a commission, or cancel a commission request due to poor communication, rude/inappropriate behavior, an inability to effectively communicate in the English/Vietnamese language, or a breach of these Terms of Service.

- Please note that if the subject matter being requested is out of the artist's skill-set, the artist has the right to decline the commission. This also applies if the availability, flexibility of deadlines of the artist is not favorable.- The artist most likely WON'T take commissions with a short deadline (depending on the complexity of the commission, the definition of "short" will change. Please contact the artist in advance regarding this). Please understand that the artist is still a full-time student, and therefore would not have the productivity of a full-time artist.- The artist, to the best of their ability, can give a general indication of how long the commission will take to complete, and when the client can expect to receive the finished product. The artist will inform the client regularly or progress (including photos) or if changes to completion times have occurred. The artist is not obliged to explain reasoning behind extensions or delays.

- By commissioning the artist, the client is purchasing the artist’s labor only. The artist retains all rights to the commission, which includes but is not limited to: distribution, reproduction, use of the commission for artist promotion.- The client may not distribute, reproduce, or otherwise profit from the commission, beyond the resale of the original products. The client may not edit, alter, or trace the commission without the artist’s expressed written permission. The client may not print the Commission unless given expressed written permission by the artist.- The client will not permit any use of the artist’s name or misuse of the commission which would reflect discredit on their reputation as an artist, or which would violate the spirit of the commission.- The client may NOT use the artist's works for AI database, AI training, NFT minting or to be used in any image generation AI.- The client may display the Commission in Profiles as long as the Artist’s name (“Fluffy Starlaxy") is prominently displayed.

- If the commission is defined as confidential, or if the client wishes to not have their commission published, the artist will oblige to those wishes. The commission might still be used in private portfolios (portfolios made specifically for schools/universities/companies). No personal information will be included.- Unless specified otherwise, all commissions will be done digitally.

Sketchy style!

Bust: $12
HalfBody: $20

Defalt: no color/simple black and white shading
Simple shading: + $5
Complex shading: + $ 10

Cell Shading

Bust: $22
HalfBody: $35
Fullbody: $70


Bust: $42
HalfBody: $70
Fullbody: $112


Flat colors: $12
Cell shading: $18
Rendered: $38


Prices change drastically,
Please contact the artist for detailed information
base price starting at $120

Additional Information

- Additional character(s): +70% of the base price- complex designs may be subjected to price changes
; minimum +30% of the base price
- Additional elements (i.e. foliage, accessories, ornaments, etc.) may be subjected to price changes; minimum +30% of the base price- Simple backgrounds will be free!- complex backgrounds will be subjected to price changes
; minimum +50% of the base price
- FOr animated elements, please contact the artist for further information


For commission related inquiries, please contact me through:Discord's Direct Messages: @fluffystarlaxy
Twirrer's Direct Messages: @FluffyStarlaxy_
(Discord is preferred for individual, private and non-commercial work)